Misha Atoel

Misha Atoel smiling forward

"Fate may guide us along the celestial weave of life, but we control which threads we follow."

OOC Info and Rules for RP

  • I'm 25+, very happily married, and absolutely not interested in any IRL relationships beyond friendships. I expect my RP partners to be at least 21+ IC and OOC, and to respect my personal boundaries, and I will of course respect yours.

  • I am LGBTQIA+, and I do not tolerate any form of homophobia, transphobia, xenophobia, etc., or the fetishization of gender identities, IC or OOC. No exceptions.

  • I am very serious about the separation between IC and OOC. I am not Misha, Misha is not me. Anything Misha thinks or does is not indicative of my own actions or feelings. Please don't blur that line!

  • COMMUNICATION IS KEY. I cannot stress this enough, please please please communicate with me. If something my character does bothers you, tell me. If a fight happens, or a scene is headed to ERP, or you just aren't sure about something, let's talk about it! My feelings won't be hurt, I'd rather discuss things and make sure we're on the same page.

  • Please no god-modding, metagaming, or trying to do anything to/changing anything about my character without my permission. Respect is a two way street!

  • Most if not all of my RP is done in-game, it's just better for immersion and focus for me. I'll do RP through discord for certain situations and I'll do my best to be flexible, but if RP happens over discord for any reason, please understand that replies might be a bit slower, but I will do my best to reply in a timely fashion!

  • I prefer to do one on one RP's as it's easier for me to keep track of things. I am alright with group RP's, but it's typically harder for me to reply if I'm having to keep track of several characters talking to mine at once, so I'll be much slower in those scenarios. Please plan these carefully with me!

  • I will warn you now, I am a multi-para writer, I can and often write a LOT in my replies, and I know that can be intimidating! I do prefer para/multi-para writers, but I absolutely do not expect you to match my writing entirely! As long as our styles vibe, all will be fine!

  • Muse here, thanks for reading this far! I know it's a lot, but I wanna make absolutely sure we're all on the same page and having fun! I appreciate you taking the time to read this carrd, if you have any questions or concerns, feel free to reach out to me on Discord: museoffate28

  • Nicknames: Mish, Mishmash, Mystical Misha, Princess, Pinecone, Mashpopotos

  • Age: 23 Summers

  • Nameday: 32nd Sun of the 5th Astral Moon (Nov. 30th)

  • Height / Weight: 5 fulms and 7 ilms / 118.3 ponze

  • Race: Rava Viera

  • Hair / Eye / Skin Color: Naturally white hair dyed a minty green with white ends / Vibrant emerald eyes / Soft brown skin that gives way to smooth crystal along his legs / Feathered protrusions at either side of his head that match the colors of his hair

  • Gender / Sexuality: Cis Male (He/Him) / Homosexual

  • Position: Submissive Bottom

  • Occupation: Charm Crafter, Tarot Diviner, Healer for Hire

  • Residence: Ishgard, Empyreum

  • Personality Traits: Cheerful, gentle, curious, a tad naive, determined, shy at times, open, and stubborn.

  • Likes: Astrology, cute things/people/creatures, dresses, song and dance, white lilies, carrots, meeting new people

  • Dislikes: Heat and hot weather, aether-dense places, being looked down on, loneliness, cabbage (EW!)

  • Aetheric Aspects: Light and Wind


Misha is a gentle Rava born and raised in Golmore Jungle who ran from his home before he could be sent to become a Woodwarder with the help of a strange man. A strange man who somehow knew the Golmorran language, and who gifted Misha his trusty tarot deck before sending him on his way to Eorzea. At least... this is what the Viera remembers. Childhood shrouded in mystery just like the identity of his 'savior', Misha came to the shores of Eorzea with very little understanding of the culture or language, but held a determination to thrive. In time, he learned to speak with the locals, utilizing his odd affinity for reading the stars to grant others a glimpse into their pasts and futures and create a life for himself. But mystery still surrounds this interesting little Rava. Legs of crystal and unnatural feathers protruding from his head... just who--or what--is Misha really? When he isn't plying his trades of star reading, crafting charms, or lending a healing hand to whomever needs it, he's out trying to find answers. For who else would want to know his truth more than Misha himself?

Plot Hooks

  • If asked, Misha has a story about why he left Golmore that isn't too uncommon. However, there is much more to this story that even he is still trying to piece together. A mysterious man, a scar he doesn't remember obtaining, legs of crystal, and strange feathers... just who is Misha really? Perhaps you can help him figure it out.

  • Misha has a particular talent for divining the fates written within those glittering specks in the sky. Fates that have a funny way of starting chains of events that could lead anywhere. Ask him to look into your future, and you may just be surprised at where your woven threads are leading.

  • Being so new to the world beyond Golmore means Misha has much exploring to do, and he'd be happy to have a companion to tag along with him and show him new things! Whether that be food and drink, social hubs, or even the latest tech, he's eager to experience it all, and hopefully make meaningful connections along the way.

Misha Atoel smiling forward

Image Credit: Seraphine @The Dancing Lamb

Misha Atoel smiling forward

Name: Lyra North
Relationship: Close Friends
Carrd: The Candy-Haired Troublemaker
Sweet, quirky, and aggressively Gridanian, Misha met this candy-haired Hyur at the first event he attended for the Honeybee Inn in an attempt to get to know his new coworkers. Her playful attitude drew him in, helping to pull him out of his shell, and she continues to help teach him the more social aspect of things in their weird little world. They can often be seen chatting together, and Misha has come to view her as like a sister to him. Whenever he's in trouble or needs a shoulder to lean on, Lyra is there, and he does his best to return the favor. It's only a matter of time however before the two get each other into trouble!

Name: Miraan Kaasikoh
Relationship: Close Friends
A loveably strange and rowdy Elezen, Misha met Miraan through their mutual friendship with Lyra at the bar of Sector 7. At first Misha was a little unsure of her, given his more gentle disposition, but their friendship was rather quick to blossom, and they can often be seen engaging in playful banter together (or, more accurately, Miraan playfully bullying him!) He thinks she's very mysterious behind that energetic personality, and hopes one day to get to understand her better. For now, though, he will forever be attempting to get her back for her chaotic antics.

Available Services

*Please note this does not include services offered through his venue work. All services booked through a venue will refer to the venue's prices and times!

  • Protective Charms: Hand-crafted and specially imbued to respond to an individual's aetheric signature and no one else's. Grants the wearer protection from up to 5 minor negative effects or 1 major negative effect, then loses it's aetheric properties. Base cost: 5000gil per charm; additional 1000gil for customization; max bulk buy is 10 charms priced at 40000gil (10000gil discount)

  • Tarot Readings: Utilizing the Deck of Sixty, a reading will be done for the requester based on the question asked and the outcome desired. Regardless of spread used, all readings are 10000gil. Readings may be done on-site, or at a desired location of the requester. (Misha is not responsible for any negative outcomes that may or may not come from these readings!)

  • Hired Healer: Whether it's for a short adventure or for personal reasons, Misha's healing expertise is available for purchase. Services are offered at a base of 80000gil per hour. Price may vary for more complicated cases, to be discussed with the purchaser.